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6 Common Challenges People Face in Addiction Recovery

The initial recovery process is one of the most difficult challenges for any individual. The challenges differ from person to person but support and determination can do wonders.

If you have decided to walk on this path, then here is a list of a few challenges and their strategies. This may ease your complicated but important journey of addiction recovery.

1. Overcoming Craving

When a person is addicted, he or she can access the addictive substances at any time they crave them. But when the decision to overcome the addiction is taken, the most difficult part is controlling cravings.

First, you need to prepare yourself; it is fine to crave and slowly start commanding your brain to avoid it. You can divert your interests, get busy, and eat any food that helps to reduce the craving.

Deal with your cravings positively; it's natural and with strong willpower, you will recover from them.

2. Reestablishing a Tormented Relationship

When you are addicted, the major issue you face is broken relationships. People start to distance themselves due to their aggression and unsocial behavior.

During addiction recovery, you realize that it's time to fix the broken pieces but it's not easy. Start slowly, involve yourself in small talks, express yourself, and talk to them. Take things slowly and start fresh.

Make them comfortable and take small steps. It will take time and a lot of patience to make people understand that you are changing for the better. Have faith and try to repair your relationship.

3. Changing the Older You

During addiction, people often ignore self-care and their lives are self-centered. It's very difficult to change those old habits and start taking actual care of yourself first.

During the whole journey, you will be your best support so start taking care of yourself. Start with healthy eating, go on a walk, or take a dance class. Involve yourself in family events or plan outings with friends.

Slowly, you will see the change, and changing your habits will help you smooth your recovery journey with ease and confidence.

4. Finding a Support System

Whenever we change something, we always need support. You need a person, whether it's a family member, friend, or spouse. Mental support is very crucial because you need to express yourself.

If you do not find support nearby, you can join support groups, sponsors, or a new friend circle that understands your journey and helps you recover.

It is a very important step because recovery is like a roller coaster. You will feel alone, and sometimes you will need courage. Here, your trusted support will play a major role.

5. Finding a Solution for Loneliness

Usually, an addictive person remains isolated and this creates a complicated life. During addiction recovery, the biggest challenge is to find a way to overcome this loneliness.

In this journey, you will distance yourself from your daily circle due to your decision to quit addiction. It's time to make new friends or follow your passion that you listed long ago but were not able to pursue.

Going on vacation or a solo trip can be a good option. Joining campaigns to spread awareness among more people who are on the recovery journey will also encourage you and make your decision more persistent.

6. Learning to Manage Stress and Anxiety

During the recovery journey, you will face a lot of situations where you get stressed or feel anxious in the process. Stress management is a challenge that you need to overcome to get results.

Maybe you have started your addiction due to stress. The first thing you need to do is find the cause of it. Once you know the reason for your anxiety and stress, you can take steps to reduce it.

Bonus Tip

Addiction recovery is a long journey. It requires strong determination and a lot of support to overcome such long addictions. California Detox provides the best support and treatment options, with expert help. You can easily overcome challenges with their help.


You have to know that difficulties are common during the initial stages of recovery. Treatment is not the end of recovery. Finding ways to face obstacles head-on and coming up with fresh strategies to deal with them is a necessary part of the process.

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